var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "With IntegralUI TreeView you can create rich hierarchical presentation of your data. Use XML tags to fill the tree node content with text in multiple colors and paragraghs, images, custom controls, checkbox, flag and hyperlinks. Includes fast list creation, Advanced Drag&Drop, Rich styling features, Customizable Appearance and Themes, Vista look & feel, Watermarks, XML Load/Save.
Highly customizable appearance
- Separate color styles for checkboxes, expandbox, scrollbars and control background
- Different color styles for every state of nodes
- Appearance of the nodes can be set by custom images or color schemes
- Nodes can have space between them
- Partial or Full Transparency
- Customizable border with three shapes
- Office 2007 fading effect
- Watermarks
- Visual Styles (Classic, XP, Vista)
- Themes
Advanced Drag&Drop support
- Predefined - nodes can be reordered and moved
- Custom - create your own drag&drop operation
- Color styles for each state of the node (Normal, Disabled, Hovered, Selected and Focused)
- Each node can contain text, image, checkbox, flag, hyperlinks and custom controls
- Content of the node can be formatted by using special XML tags
- Node can be visible or hidden
- Context Menus
Multiple node selection
Permissions over reordering, Drag&Drop, selection check, hover selection, label edit
Built-in keyword search
Built-in Sort and ability to add custom sort operations
Customizable ToolTips
XML encoding
- Advanced formatting options by use of XML tags
- A table based formatting of the node content
- Every content element can have their own color and format styles
- Multiple images at different places in the single content
- Multiple custom controls at different places
XML serialization
- Support for serialization in files
- Support for serialization in streams, including databases";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';