var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "What would it be like to fly without the actual noise and sound effects of a real cockpit? Aerosoft's Flight Deck Companion has provided this for the ultimate simulator experience. They have put together a complete interactive sound environment for every aircraft that is available in Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. What a way to experience the effect of a simulator. To heighten ones senses, whether visually or auditorally is a fantastic achievement. FDC Live Cockpit has done just that. They have brought the PC Pilots flight deck to life. Included is full crew audio enhancements and a complete airport environment including all of the usual sounds that you would encounter being in on an airport, such as the boarding sounds, etc.
As a user you can choose from 15 different unique and original flight deck voice sets. You can even use your own voice variations! You can also select from a variety of cabin crew announcements in many different languages and dialects. You can also get full crew support from a Co-Pilot and Captain. The Co-Pilot also has the ability to handle all gear and flap calls. There are many other features including GPWS calls, aircraft performance files plus editor, aircraft checklist files plus editor, FDC flight log, FDC black box and FDC ATC chatter features.
A virtual co-pilot increases the reality feeling to a whole new level in flight simulation. There are numerous audio checklists that allow the user to interact. The interactive items underline the professional approach in flying an aircraft. The flight deck calls are based on the aircraft type, weight and speed. The user can actually hear the Captain making flap and gear calls at the correct and exact time to which the virtual co-pilot will respond and make the necessary adjustments or operation of the gear and flaps.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
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