var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Copernic Agent Basic is a very useful tool for web searches that performs browsing search with multiple engines at the same time.
User enters what to search and the application selects the best engines to perform the task and search all of them at once. In addition, the application offers different search criteria for repetitive searches, such as "buy music", "buy books", Newsgroups, etc.
Copernic Basic Agent automatically eliminates broken links, ignores irrelevant text and nonessential content found on Web pages and saves search history. It also can export or import results, and search through the obtained results.
By using indexing technology, it makes easier to search in advanced modes, analysing languages and linguistics, and obtaining result in a very fast manner.
Simultaneous query to various search Internet engines and many information sources, as well as advanced statistical and linguistic algorithms, allow the application to get faster and more comprehensive amount of results for every consult.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';