var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "BidScreen XL gives you the power to takeoff your electronic plans directly in Microsoft Excel. Electronic plan files supported include pdf, tif, bmp, jpg, pic, dwg, dxf and others. With BidScreen XL, you can zoom and pan the image while you're working in Excel.
Takeoffs are a snap, just click on a spreadsheet cell and electronically measure and identify areas, lengths and counts from your electronic drawing files with your mouse. The measurements and digitized takeoff drawings are saved with the Excel cell and can be edited and printed. And, you can apply colors, count symbols, line styles and area fill patterns to your drawings. Sample estimating Excel template files for general contractors, concrete, roofing, painting and other subtrades are also included. BidScreen XL is simple, efficient and no additional hardware is needed. So, go electronic and make your takeoffs easy. Call today and see how BidScreen XL and ePlans work for you.
Main features:
- Ability to load multiple files and pages with one click.
- Easily identify the loaded drawings in a workbook from the new thumbnail view conveniently located on the toolbar in MS Excel.
- New program setup and configuration capabilities with easily accessible toolbars.
- New and improved style library with the ability to share styles across multiple users and Vertigraph programs.
- The style pallet is now conveniently displayed on the takeoff screen for easy access and selection.
- Ability to annotate and highlight relevant drawing information.
- Subtract (negative) line segments.
- Access BidScreen XL commands quickly with user definable keyboard shortcuts.
- Enhanced print capabilities.
- Recognized file formats expanded to include AutoCAD 2009 vector files, DWF V6, DJVU, as well as expanded PDF format library. Measure directly from all versions of AutoCAD DWG files without converting to a raster file. Users may even isolate CAD layers from DWG files and obtain exact measurements by snapping to the design object.
- For users that do not have an Adobe Acrobat license, Adobe Acrobat Version 9 Standard is now available with BidScreen XL at special pricing.";
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