var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The AMPROBE Data Acquisition is a package that supports Amprobe instrument 38XR-A. All instruments share the same file format. You can open files recorded by you, other people, or even other Amprobe instruments from your PC. Upon opening the AMPROBE 38XR-A Data Acquisition, you can see 3 main tabs: File, Setup and Help.
In the File tab you can see Import Readings and Export Readings, Print Graph, etc. Within the Setup tab you available options are: Communications, Scaling, Alarm Signals, Date/Time, Select Decimal and AutoSave.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';