var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "After the huge success of TrackMania, here comes the jewel of the game developing group Nadeo: TrackMania United. This game enhances a numbers of features that TrackMania already had to offer. The difference between United and Nations is that the latter demands a fee of $24.99 for 6 months and $39.99 for an unlimited license.
But the number of tracks alone almost makes up for the money you will spend: there are 265 different tracks. Each of them has its own crazy obstacles and is challenging in its own way. These are not 10 tracks with different layouts, these 265 are unique. Included with United, you also get more than one type of vehicle. Apart from the formula car you get in the free version, you also have GT cars, Rally Cars, and Sports Cars. You can even modify them and share them with your friends. Its almost guaranteed that you will spend long hours with the single-player tracks, but the real challenge is the online option: you can join a community of thousands with a click of a button. You can also play on the same servers as "Nation" users, but for that you need to download an extra package. This game brings loads of fun and challenging game play. If you decide to get this game, be warned, you may not notice how much time you spend playing it.";
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