var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "TNG is a web-based TMS (Telephone Management System) that allows you to identify and manage problem areas of your business telephone account. Its ‘Drill Down’ report functionality ensures that all information - from summarized to detailed - is available on a single report. You can view a summary report and drill down multiple levels to the detailed calls from within a single report without the need for any reloading or extra searches.
TNG is designed to run on both Windows and Linux operating systems, with the focus on ease of use, ease of installation and ease of maintenance.
It supports a large and ever-growing number of PABXs.
It is a well known fact that a Telephone Management System can save any company up to 30% in telephone costs. TNG provides comprehensive reports to assist you with this. It also provides standard features for highlighting exceptional abuse in many aspects of phone usage. This includes cost, duration, and time taken to answer calls. These abuse flags are available in a live screen monitoring tool as well as via reports for later consideration. From an ease of use and maintenance perspective you do not need any specialized skills to use or manage TNG. Because it is web based, it can be accessed by up to 10 concurrent departmental heads at the same time, from any of the computers on your network. TNG also provides full access control to ensure that information is only available to those who need access to it.
Main Features :
- Summary reports contain drill down features to the detailed level.
- User-friendly web-based user interface.
- End-user configuration and maintenance.
- Installs on a single PC.
- Accessible from anywhere on the network through your standard Internet/Web browser.
- Full system maintenance access through a secure administrative login.
- Departmental head access levels can be limited to specific departments only, or full access including general maintenance.
- Export data in real time for third-party applications through a TCP port and text file.
- Fast non-database system to ensure reliability, reduce report generation time and enhance overall system performance.
- Automatic deleting and archiving of old data.
- Simple and powerful rates system.
- Cost comparison between service providers with our call-costing calculator.
- Phone book facility to categorize, identify and search for telephone numbers.
- Supports both account codes and pin codes.
- Data Buffer warning can be enabled to let you know when the memory is almost full.
- Data Buffer supplied as standard with TNG.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';