var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Editor's Toolbox for NeoBook adds access to advanced word processing features. It is an easy to use plug-in that gives NeoBook users new opportunities for text based multimedia publications. The plug-in uses the same word processing engine as "Microsoft® WordPad". It offers all basic paragraph and character formatting and a number of advanced features like Live Spell Checking, built in dialog boxes, multi language support, HTML and Adobe Acrobat® PDF export, formatted text in database memo fields and hyperlinks to NeoBook action commands. The word processing is fully programmable and well documented and comes with a sample word-processor that demonstrates all basic features.
This plug-in requires NeoBook 4.1.3a or higher, but NeoBook version 5+ is recommended to use all features of the plug-in.
Main Features :
- Text formatting: Apply different fonts, styles and colors to the text.
- Paragraph formatting: Specify indentations, line spacing or alignment.
- Images: Bitmap image files can be inserted into the rich text document.
- Embedded objects: Objects like Microsoft Excel (R) worksheets can be inserted into the document with the clipboard pasted command or via dialog.
- Live Spell Checker: Your Editors Toolbox text window offers live spell checking with red wiggly lines like Microsoft (R) Word. Free dictionaries in more than 20 languages are available form Addictive Software (R). You can also utilize Microsoft Word (R) custom dictionaries. Use the (optional) word list compiler from Addictive Software (R) to create your own dictionaries.
- Export: Your rich text documents and reports can be exported to a Neobook variable. Choose the output format with the options unformatted text, Rich Text source code, Line Mode and HTML. Export your rich text document as an "Adobe Acrobat (R) PDF" file. (Export filters do not support Images in HTML and PDF documents).
- Database support: Substitute the Neobook text fields with Editors Toolbox and store formatted rich text in a Database like NeobookDB (TM).
- Cut, Copy, Paste, Drag and Drop: Formatting is preserved during these clipboard operations. Exchange contents with other programs with drag and drop. Paste special content which is linked to other applications into the text window.
- Printing: Allows printing of documents. Specify the page size and margins.
- User Interface: Smart programming interface for easy and powerful access to all word-processor functions. Use line commands to insert or manipulate rich text format documents programmatically to create reports. Call Neobook action script commands from within the rich text document using the Hyperlink function of the toolbox. Create read only text windows for displaying rich text files. Combine NeoBook object functions like HideObject and ShowObject with visual effects to show or hide the editor window.
- Totally integrated into Neobook: Dialog supported action commands for all toolbox functions. Built-in dialog boxes for load, save, print and formatting functions. Multi-language support. Shares Neobook's easy-to-use philosophy.
- Documentation: Editors Toolbox includes sample applications that demonstrate almost all functions of the toolbox. An extensive User Guide is included as an Adobe Acrobat (R) PDF-document.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';