var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Solid Player is a no nonsense MP3 player. It's small, it's fast, it has support for multiple playlists with very easy navigation and lots of options. It's very easy to use, it has support for UNICODE ID3 tags and more.
-Supports MP3's
-Support ID3 tags
- Supports UNICODE
- Support list view and thumbnail view
- Supports multiple playlists
- Easy navigation
- Easy renaming of file's by custom formatting eg '01 - trackname - albumname - artist.mp3'
- Show all your duplicate MP3's with a single button click
- Easy drag-and-drop your files to library and/or playlist
- Very easy and fast searching for a specific artist, album or title
-Switch between normal and miniplayer
-Built-in browser, clicking on Artist or Title in playing window will do an immediate google on the selected artist or title
- Built-in Equalizer and Reverb
- Very easy to tag all your MP3's
-Loop your playlists
- Repeat 1/All song(s)
- Adjust your playlist on the fly, change the play order, add songs, delete songs, move songs
- Supports embedded images
- Supports folder images : if Solid Player finds a file called 'Folder.jpg' in an MP3's folder this jpeg image will be used as album art (unless the MP3 already has an embedded image)
- Autoresize of columns (can be switched on/off)
- Library play option : just click any file in the library and it will play immediately, great for looking for suitable MP3's to add to your playlist
- Library displays (and can be sorted on) many items : Filename, Artist, Album, Title, Track, Year, Genre, Tag Version, ID3v1=ID3v2, Comment, Link, Lyrics, MPEG Audia Version, Layer Description, Bitrate, Samplerate, Channel Mode, Duration, Unique ID,
- Items displayed can be selected and deselected";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';