var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "CELSIUS is the PC program for programming, control and documentation of MEMMERT equipment with RS-232 or RS-485 interface.
With CELSIUS 2005 you can:
- generate, edit and save thermostating programs on the PC in graphic or in tabular form.
- control up to 8 ovens simultaneously via RS-232; or up to 16 ovens (not Class E) using an RS-485.
- use the multiple functions of the MEMory Card (XL) contained in the P package as e.g.: saving a thermostating program from the PC onto a MEMory Card (XL) as well as loading a program and the logged data from a MEMory Card (XL), display both on the screen and save them onto another data medium (hard disk, floppy disk, ect.)
- print out thermostating programs and associated log data including GLP-data on all MS-Windows-
compatible printers.
- read, manage, and document the internal flash protocol memory (1024 kB) of MEMMERT ovens.
CELSIUS runs under Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows XP. As a real 32-bit programm. It can be used in multitasking mode parallel to other applications like for example WinWord and so on.";
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