var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "DoGoodSoft CHK File Recovery is a professional CHK files recovery package. It can recover CHK files in a quick and easy way.
The software can accurately and quickly recover more than 100 common file types (such as mp3, mp4, jpg, bmp, gif, png, avi, rm, mov, mpg, wma, wmv, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, zip, rar, exe, dll, sql, mdb, psd etc.).
As for those that cannot be restored automatically, CHK File Recovery offers powerful Manual Judging function to confirm the file extension, making the use of the tool very simple and convenient even for a beginner. Manual Judging can determine the file content of an unknown file through four methods and recover it afterwards.
The software features user-friendly design of the interface, and its operation is very easy. CHK File Recovery can scan the whole disk automatically, but it can also scan a certain folder you specified, and then show the found CHK files according to the different file types.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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