var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "ABB’s SCADA solutions for Oil and Gas automation are flexible and comprehensive. Our solutions include integration of
* SCADA host systems, Remote Terminal Units and Flow Computers, Chromatographs, Instrumentation
* Communications, networking, telecoms
* LV, MV and HV Electrical Equipment, Drives and Motors
The ABB SCADA host SCADAvantageTM is a distributed, real-time, data acquisition and control system that supports day-to-day operations and enables corporate functions through the widespread distribution of real-time and historical information.
SCADAvantageTM is capable of hosting applications that link real-time and transactional business systems and is a single source for operational, engineering, and business information. Design goals realized in SCADAvantageTM include:
* Security - Multiple levels (users, zone, and location)
* High availability through a distributed architecture & multiple levels of redundancy
* Reducing client operating costs
* Avoiding dependence on specialists
* Lowering maintenance costs
* Improving performance and ROI
* Compliance with industry standards
In addition to providing complete solutions from the wellhead to the control room to the web, ABB can integrate existing hardware as well as existing SCADA systems into a single corporate automation and information system.";
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var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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