var fDesc=new Array(); fDesc[0] = "Website IP is a Google Chrome extension that simply adds the IP of the current website you are viewing to the bottom right. Unlike other addons, you do not need to click anywhere; just look at the bottom right of the page. It doesn't require any external server to return IP; the data is taken from the browser itself. It also has support for IPv6."; function tShowHide(id, show) { var s = document.getElementById("desc"); if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2) { s.innerHTML = fDesc[id]; if (document.getElementById('m1')) document.getElementById('m1').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('m2')) document.getElementById('m2').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('more_txt')) document.getElementById('more_txt').style.display='inline'; } else { s.innerHTML = ''; } }