var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "AdSysNet Active Directory Reporter is simple centralized application that helps the Active Directory Administrators to track the users successful and failure logins with exact reason.
Since AdSysNet AD Logon Reporter is a centralized application, it needs to be installed in only one. A Client application is available for the Administrators to generate the logon reports. The client application can be installed in all the admin workstations. Before start generating the reports, the client application needs to connect the exact logon service component.
The reports are generated from the Domain Controllers events. Default Domain Controllers policy needs to have the audit logon events enabled for both success and failure.
AdSysNet AD Logon Reporter will not generate the logon reports until the 'Default Domain Controllers Policy' changed with the requirements. The policy needs to be changed by manually.
The logon and logon failures reports can be generated on User, Workstation and Domain Controller basis. All the generated reports can be exported to PDF/EXCEL/CSV/HTML files.
And the report table can be e-mailed to the given e-mail addresses with the specified file format.
The default installation will work as the trial version. The trial version is valid for 30 days and it will have only last 100 logon records. Once the license is registered, the trial version will act as the licensed version.
AdSysNet AD Logon Reporter requies SQL to store the logon data. But SQL is not mandatory for evaluating the application, the trial version will use the file system to store the user logon data.";
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