var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The Discworld is the setting for all the Discworld books, and is a large disc of land, which is supported on four elephants. These elephants, in turn stand on the back of Great A'Tuin, a huge star turtle (sex and destination unknown). Because of the Discworld's shape, there is no North, South, East and West. Instead, there is Hubward: towards the centre of the Disc, Rimward: Towards the edge of the Disc, Turnwise, in the direction the Disc turns, and Widdershins, in the opposite direction. There are a large number of settlements and cities on the Disc, and it's population contains a wide number of races.. Humans, Trolls, Dwarfs (beards compulsory), as you might find on any normal fantasy world. Except that Discworld is by no means normal.
The central character to many of the Discworld books (and to both the games) is Rincewind, a student (relatively speaking) at Unseen University, where wizards learn to be wizards.. usually. He is also accompanied by The Luggage, a somewhat unpredictable mobile trunk, with a large number of feet, and quite a vicious bite. There are four games, the first is a text adventure 'The Colour of Magic' available for the Spectrum. The problem is, it's very hard to play, given you can spend ages trying to figure out the right command to do something.
The second game, is simply called Discworld, released originally by Psygnosis / Sony Interactive, and created byPerfect Entertainment, which is a point and click adventure, available (although to a lesser extent at the moment) on PC, PC CDROM, Playstation, and Saturn. It was originally to be called Discworld: The Trouble with Dragons, but eventually became just 'Discworld'.
The third game is Discworld 2: Missing, presumed... !? , produced again by Perfect Entertainment, and published originally by Psygnosis. It is a little easier than the original game, but is just as playable.
There's also a fourth game, called Discworld Noir, again created by Perfect Entertainment but this time published by GT Interactive, based around the somewhat darker adventures of Lewton, an ex-watchman and the Discworld's first private detective as he tries to track down a missing person and finds himself up to his eyeballs in trouble.";
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