var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "When you launch Skip-Bo Castaway Caper 3, you will have to create your character, all the way from typing your name to choosing physical characteristics like skin color, face shape, hair color, hair shape, eyes shape, eyes color, nose, mouth, clothes color and background color. Once your character is created you can choose which mode you want to play, you can chose between adventure, classic, speed and team. Among the options you can configure the screen, music and sounds volume, cursor, tips and decks.
The object of the game is to finish all the cards on your stock pile, so focus your game on this idea. The deck can be divided among two, three or four players. At your hand you will have 5 cards at the beginning of each turn, and at the end of each turn you will have to discard one from your hand. Each time you win a match you earn more points and according to this you can receive special achievements like, quick draw, combo maker, stockpile master, tribal hero, etc... Also between matches you will be able to play special bonus stages in order to gain new decks.
If you like card games you will love Skip-Bo Castaway Caper 3.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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