var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "CPTest© forms the Windows based CPT acquisition software recorded with the Geomil GME 500 data acquisition systems, both for the 19" industrial built-in as well as for the portable IP 65 version.
The application provides a versatile and easy to use recording tool for mechanical as well as electrical Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and Piezocone Tests (CPTU). Data from add-on sensors or probes like for total (push) force, temperature, electric conductivity etc. can be recorded as well.
The advanced and flexible features of CPTest© allow for professional and efficient test performance. Individual monitoring demands are taken into account by flexible viewing options defined by the user.
The user can select desired graphics, adjust scales and zoom in - even while performing a sounding at the same time. Actual results can easily be compared by opening a previous next to the current sounding.
The real-time data presentation in graphical and numerical format guarantees for swift value recognition and instant user interference when demanded by the testing constraints. At any time the vertical and horizontal scaling can be adjusted.
Recorded data are constantly stored in the Geomil data format and about test completion also exported as standard Geotechnical Exchange Format (GEF), allowing an easy exchange of CPT data. Moreover, the GEF format is fully compatible with a range of programs used for foundation designs and stability calculations.
Further processing and interpretation of the CPTest raw data is best performed with CPTask, the Geomil bench mark application for soil classification and derived parameter calculation.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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