var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The LUXONIX Ravity (R) 1.4 is a software modeler plug-in program that models the external drum/percussion rompler based on the PCM Synthesizer Module which provides users with drum sounds and effects additional to their host musical editing programs.
Users are presented with an interface that resembles the familiar rack mounted unit. The LUXONIX Ravity (R) 1.4 is a drum sound module and its rhythm section offers 68 presets with 6 stereo outputs enabling users to add their own drum effects. Users are also provided with filter and amp envelopes for every drum hit. Each envelope can contain up to 12 drum sounds and for each of the 6 outputs, users are provided with 3 effects giving them a total of 18 effects to add, change, or merge with their presets or other work.
The LUXONIX Ravity (R) 1.4 plug-in management interface features right clicking on any preset to change its color to one of five offered, allowing to color code interface presets for easy recognition. The program also features a large preset browser with keyboard support and expandable easy editing hot key support. A Hyper Layered Midi assignation system provides with real time performance and sound editing. Users can also import external wave files at any sample rate.";
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