var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Tabs Outliner is a tabs managing system.
Main features:
- Ultimate Overview - for all of your open, and not so open (read further), browser windows and tabs, in a resizable vertical side view, with a Tree Style Tab feature.
- It has the unique ability to close and preserve “in place” any tab or window, without removing them from the original context in the tree. Then, if needed, reopen them in the same way you select already open windows or tabs.
- Innovative Tabs Outlining And Organizing Features – you will be able to annotate windows and tabs, add comments to them, notes, a summary of main ideas, to-do items. Organize all of this in logical hierarchies and delimited groups; freely reorder to specify priority or importance.
- Crash Resistance and Restore Feature Done Right - no more hassles after browser crash or sudden system restart. You will not be forced into an all or nothing choice. This extension makes it possible to reopen only windows you need NOW, or even some individual tabs inside them, without losing others. They will be available to reopen anytime you decide, and in the same context and place where they crashed.
- A Liberation For Your Bookmarks Collections - will help liberate your bookmarks from continuous pollution by closed-for-later sites. Therefore, bookmarks will be used for what they are intended to do, and for what they were invented for — quickly reopen sets of regularly visited pages, instead of serving as a badly organized dump for tabs, which you urgently closed for some reason in the past.
- Tabs Lists Exporter - easily export and share the annotated list of your tabs through GoogleDoc, Word, Evernote or many other programs. Hierarchies of windows can be exported simply by drag and drop. Or save your full collection as a standard, clean, HTML file (by Ctrl-S in the main window).
- One Click Procrastination Stopper - this tool can break the procrastination chain of continuous Net surfing.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';