var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Yard office is model railroad inventory program which keeps track of your model trains. You can edit and view full screen details for each car or locomotive, or browse through a complete list sorted and arranged to your specifications.
Also you can Include photos or drawings of each item and use the free form "notes" data entry area to include unlimited comments, maintenance history, prototype info, etc.
Registered users may customize with the easy filtering system to allow limiting your view or reports to only those items of current interest: track costs, values, selling prices, etc.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';