var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "OVERVIEW
PSYCLE is a Music Creation Studio, using a tracker interface.
It can be used to make any type of music, using either its native plugins (synths and effects), VST2 plugins (synths and effects), internal sampler and effects and .wav files through the sampler.
you can see some screenshots on the docs page
Notes are entered in patterns, where lots of different commands (plugins related or general) can be used to change any plugin (native or VST, synths and effects) parameters at any time.
The patterns are then organized in the sequencer.
This sequence is the song and can be saved in .psy format, but also to .wav (this allows to compress the song in .mp3 or .ogg formats for example)
PSYCLE is free and opensource.
It's coded by a team named PSYCLEDELICS (see "people involved" section for complete credits).
If you want to help PSYCLE's development in any way, just contact us.
Third Party native plugins can also be coded and used in PSYCLE.
If you want to code your own plugins, please do so. But remember that things must be kept organized, and that unity in the development process is the best guarantee for PSYCLE's future and for users to get the best out of it. So, if you want to either code plugins or change PSYCLE's code, contact us and see how things can be done.
More info on PSYCLE's opensource status and coding organization in the "opensource status" section.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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