var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The fast and flexible communication library
Conventional PLCs are often the standard solution for automation requirements. For control systems with an increased computing time or large data collectives, PCs and server are the first choice. The connection of both systems is ACCON-AGLink’s mission. The communication library ACCON-AGLink arranges for a smooth data exchange between PC and PLC. For this reason, manually created PC programs can simply access to a wide range of PLCs.
The existing software variety is a challenge for a networked workflow in automation and controlling engineering. Automation applications as controlling, monitoring, visualizing and filing are not possible before accessing to the PLCs’ process data. For this purpose, the applications need to speak the same »language« as the PLCs – meaning mastering their protocols. This is exactly the communication ACCON-AGLink has been developed and optimized for.
No matter if you access to the several data areas (D, I, Q, M, T, C, P), readout the diagnostic puffer of an S7-PLC or if you want to synchronize the PLC time with the PC time, ACCON-AGLink provides you with the appropriate prepared functions. For the further simplification, ACCON-AGLink contains a lot of conversion functions to turn PLC data types into PC data types.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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