var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "AdSysNet Active Directory Reports is a simple and effective active directory reporting tool. With the reports provided by the tool, Administrators are able to keep their active directory environment clean and secure. The report generation is very progressive and controllable.
Active directory user reports - Listing all, enabled, disabled, locked, unlocked, password expired, account expired, password/account to be expired, deleted, managed users. Option to list the Inactive users by querying all the domain controllers of the domains. Nested users of the given group can be listed.
Active directory group reports - Listing all, built-in, security, distribution, managed, unmanaged, deleted, recently created groups. Option to list all the nested memberships (groups in which the user is present) of the given user.
Active directory computer reports - Listing all the workstations, domain controllers, managed and unmanaged workstations, log on report of the computers.
Active Directory security reports - Listing all the non-inheritable active directory objects under the selected container scope and view its security permissions, listing the objects on which the selected user/group have full/any control permissions.
Active directory NTFS reports - Listing all the shares in the selected server and view its share permissions and security permissions. Listing all the non-inheritable shares on the selected server and Listing the shares on which the selected user/group have full/any control permissions.
Moreover the above specified reports, AdSysNet Active Directory Reporter supports reporting for contacts, organizationalunits, GPOs, fine-gained password policies, exchange mailboxes, mail contacts, mail users, mail distribution groups and mail distribution lists.
All the generated reports can be exported in to csv, pdf, excel and html files. Also the reports can be scheduled to given Admin e-mail addresses in a optional compressed format.";
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