var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Welcome to Uninstaller Pro, the premier uninstaller for Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP. Uninstaller Pro is the best way of uninstalling programs from your hard drive. Take a look at our feature list.
Uninstaller Pro is one of the most comprehensive uninstallers and system cleaners available today and offers a variety of unique features. Developed with ease of use in mind, yet with enough advanced features to satisfy most expert users, we believe Uninstaller Pro stands a fair chance in your comparison with the uninstaller you use today.
Have you ever installed a program on your hard drive using the Install (or Setup, or whatever) utility that comes with the program, decided that you did not like the program, and then tried to remove it? If you have, you probably found out that you only recovered a fraction of the hard disk space you had before you installed the program. This is because the installation procedure scattered dozens of files all over your drive. Some went into folders created by the installation process itself, and some went into folders that already existed, such as the \Windows and \Windows\System folders. Unfortunately, the uninstaller that comes with various programs does not uninstall all files.
A setup program also makes various changes to your system files (such as Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, Windows.ini, System.ini etc.) as well as adding extra information (known as keys) to your registry. Over time, as more and more keys are added to your Windows Registry, your computer becomes slower and slower.
Uninstaller Pro will delete all files installed by a program, remove all subdirectories created by it and delete all changes made by the program in your various system files and as well as in your registry. If you use Uninstaller Pro, you free your hard disk of files that you don’t really need, leaving more space for the ones that you really do.";
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