var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "eezPix is basically a multi purpose photo software. It provides the way to creatively organize, edit and share photos. It can print the photos in both standard and custom sizes so that the user can email optimized photos. In addition to this, it also has creation tools that do more than organizing photos.
Photos can be organized with eezPix Photo Manager, it is efficient to access photos from digital cameras, external devices, and photo discs. These photos can be stored in eezPix album or in a file folder of the computer, so that they can be available easily for sharing, editing with ease. These photos can be previewed by a number of modes provided by eezPix. For example, simple thumbnails, thumbnails with detailed image info, large icon, small icon, file list, and sortable file list, slideshow play.
For editing photos, eezPix provides often-used editing tools. These powerful and editing tools facilitates to import and organize photos, rotate, crop and resize photos, adjust lightness, contrast and saturation and adjust photo color in a number of ways.
One of the best features of eezpix is the creation tools. It does more than organizing photos. It can create amazing photo collages, awesome greeting cards, buddy icons/display pictures for MSN, Yahoo Messenger, AIM etc. It can also animate Gif images for websites, blogs and forums.
As for sharing, eezPix can print photos and created works in both standard and custom sizes, so that the user could share optimized photos through emails. Display pictures can be uploaded directly to Facebook, MySpace, Blogger and other websites";
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