var fDesc=new Array(); fDesc[0] = "DM Genie is a computer program for players and game masters running the Third Edition or the new Revision 3.5 of the world's most popular tabletop role playing game.

DM Genie can also be customized to any game system that is based on 20-sided dice. DM Genie takes care of the math and rules so you can focus on the game! Using DM Genie, you can create adventures, manage your characters and monsters, and keep track of anything that happens to them.

Main features:
- Step-by-step Leveling Wizard makes leveling a snap! It has useful features like:
-Calculating BAB, Saves, Spell Slots and Power Points automatically
-Checking prestige class prerequisites.
-Accurately calculating maximum skill ranks; color-coding for class/restricted skills.
-Checking feat prerequisites.
-Help in creating spell lists.
- Print your PC's Character Sheet
-Choose what t-display in the sheet.
-Customize your character sheet by editing the HTML template.
-Fit everything in one page with the Compact Character Sheet.
- Get descriptions for feats, spells, etc. without fumbling in the books.
- The effects of most feats are applied automatically when you take them!
- Save each of your special feats or spells by adding them t-your campaign
- Use multiple magic items and keep track of the bonuses automatically, even if stop using one for just a minute!
- Great inventory management, even keeps track of charges of magic items.
- Use DM Genie while playing t-recalculate skill bonuses etc. if under the effect of a spell or condition.
- Create new races/monsters or edit one of the 580 that come with DM Genie.
- Make monsters or PCs from any race, in seconds
- Roll your abilities, assign them and adjust them; or use the Point Buy method.
- Or, use the intelligent stat block reader t-generate your creatures.
- Advance the base monsters with the creature advancement classes.
- Easily apply a template (like celestial or lycanthrope) t-a base creature.
- Run battles between your PCs and monsters
- Calculates all attack/damage bonuses, handles Damage Reduction.
- Automatic AC calculation - knows which types of bonuses stack, and which don't.
- Keep track of numerous conditions (like prone, blinded, etc.) – and apply the effects automatically.
- Roll skills, use feats, cast spells, manifest psionic powers.
- Appraisals window, for when your PCs sell their wares in town.
- Conditions: let DM Genie d-the math!
- Each condition can automatically affect AC, attack/damage bonuses, ability scores, skill checks, spell and damage resistance, and more!
- You can set conditions for several creatures at the same time.
- Can't find what you need in one of the nearly 300 conditions that come with DM Genie? Create your own!
- Associate conditions with spells or psionic powers t-make spell casting a snap.
- DM Genie als-tracks uses per day for all common character abilities."; function tShowHide(id, show) { var s = document.getElementById("desc"); if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2) { s.innerHTML = fDesc[id]; if (document.getElementById('m1')) document.getElementById('m1').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('m2')) document.getElementById('m2').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('more_txt')) document.getElementById('more_txt').style.display='inline'; } else { s.innerHTML = ''; } }