var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Simple Internet Tools is a set of tools conceived to help network administration on windows systems. Many experienced administrators simply refuse to use any windows system, just for its instability and insecurity, and perhaps they are right.
These tools are clones of the tools that have existed for many years in unix/linux systems. This is the first time that a toolset like this is available for Windows, without requiring a lot of money. Although security is always an issue in Windows systems, you must have these tools with you to help you in monitoring what's going on in your system. If you need to configure, setup and monitor a network, you have an IP calculator, an IP scanner, statistics about your current connections on your system, a Ping utility (always the same, but with a few extra options). Port listener is another useful tool to see who's trying to connect to the system. You can scan open ports on any IP address.
Briefly, if you are (or going to be) a system administrator and you want to use Windows, you may want to check this program.";
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