var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "PC Tools Disk Suite 1.0 is a set of tools to manage and improve the performance of the Hard Disk Drives.
PC Tools Disk Suite is a set of tools that cleans up and optimizes the files, Defragments them, Backups the files, manages Partition, and Repairs your Hard Disk Drives. You can schedule one or all of these tasks, or you can perform those just by clicking the Start button in any of these tasks. PC Tools Disk Suite GUI's is very intuitive and very descriptive to choose and handle any of the options.
Cleanup & Optimize option allows selecting any of the following tasks: Windows Temporary Files, User Temporary Files, Internet Cache, Downloaded Program Files, Recycle Bin, Common Log Files, and Delete Custom Files/Folders to improve the performance of your disk.
The defragment option provides the adequate tasks to improve your HDDs such as Analyze your HDD, make a Quick defrag, and show the Free Space in any of your HDDs. The Backup option of PC Tools Disk Suite is a great tool due to the several options to select specific files and folders to backup your HDD information.
The Partition option has a good set of options to manage the partitions of your Hard Disk Drives. You can create, merge, resize/move, delete, split or format partitions in any of your Hard Disks Drives.
The repair option is divided in two main groups: Scandisk Operations and Repair Boot Record both are great and fixed almost any trouble in the Hard Disk Drives.
PC Tools Disk Suite is designed for Windows® Vista™ 32-bit, XP and 2000. The installation is very easy to perform.";
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var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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