var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The OnTime 2008 Professional software is a tracking and management program that lets the user track just about everything that there is, as well as customize, collaborate and automate workflows. The professional version of the OnTime 2008 consists of many features that are suitable for teams collaborating and has everything for the process, security, reporting and working with customers.
The basic functions of the software include defect tracking, feature management, Help Desk incident tracking and project Wiki. The program can also be integrated and used with other software.
All users of OnTime 2008 professional will have the opportunity to use a Windows client, AJAX web client or VS.NET client so everyone can choose the one most suitable for them. The professional version of the software also has the option to use Axosoft to host your OnTime database. A customer portal with login is also a part of the program and up to five customers can use this feature.
Other features of the OnTime 2008 Professional program include customized alerts, the project dashboard, audit trails, email queuing service, and unlimited security roles to make sure that only the chosen individuals have access to data stored.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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