var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Computer programs that calculate the performance of gas turbines or piston engines with turbocharger need as input a description of the turbine maps (sometimes called also turbine characteristics). These maps are either calculated or derived from a turbine rig test.
The turbine characteristics are needed in performance calculation programs in a special format. To produce this format "by hand" is a cumbersome task that takes quite much time because of the scatter in the data. Moreover the data from the turbine rig test usually are not evenly distributed over the tested speed range or the distance between speed lines is big. Interpolation and extrapolation of the measured data are required.
The program Smooth_T is a tool that quickly produces high quality turbine characteristics from measured data. Such characteristics can be used not only for performance calculations. One can also evaluate small differences between different turbine types, for example the effects of tip clearance, re-staggered blades and vanes, cooling air injection etc.
The accuracy of the turbine map representation is very important for precise cycle calculations. Remember, that 1% error in low pressure turbine efficiency can result for a high bypass turbofan engine more than 1% error in specific fuel consumption! It can easily happen, that such an error is introduced into the cycle calculation by use of a low quality turbine map. Both in case the data are scattered or if there are not enough speed lines in the map the interpolation of data is prone to errors.
However, Smooth_T is not only a valuable tool for dealing with measured data. It can also be used to check the quality of any turbine map. One can use, for example, existing turbine maps as input. Various cross plots offered by the program allow a judgment whether the map is a reasonable description of turbine physics or not. Deficiencies can be corrected and physical meaningful interpolations and extrapolations of the map are possible.";
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