var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "VoiceSFX is an innovative program designed to let you record sounds - anything from your own voice to a music CD - and then apply special effects like Helium Breath, Slow Monster, Fade, and Echo to create crazy sound effects. And now you can easily export your creations to MP3 and send them to your friends!
Have you ever thought about where some of those sounds you hear on TV or in the movies came from? How do they make that bizarre alien's voice? Professional sound engineers create special voices and sounds by changing and rearranging recorded sound. Their job is to make sounds interesting, and they generally have a whole rack of expensive effects gear to accomplish that purpose. They can make low sounds high, high sounds low, speed things up or slow things down, add an echo that will make you think the sound was recorded at the Grand Canyon, turn sounds backward, and distort sounds beyond recognition. We think it's far too entertaining to be reserved for professionals, and with VoiceSFX, you can play with sound too!
VoiceSFX is that whole rack of expensive effects compressed into one user-friendly and affordable program. Try out the trial version and you'll find that by combining a few of our special effects, you can create some pretty strange variations.
Make your voice sound like a hyperactive space robot. Create an alien symphony by playing your favorite songs backwards. Not only can you use this program on your own voice, you can also capture sound from any source your computer supports (microphone, line-in, CD, etc.) and then distort it into something wildly weird and different.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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