var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "FactoryTalk® View Machine Edition (ME) is a machine-level HMI software for machines and small processes. FactoryTalk View Machine Edition allows for a consistent operator interface across multiple platforms, including Microsoft® Windows® CE and Windows desktop solutions.
FactoryTalk View bridges the gap between machine-level and supervisory-level systems to give users a more efficient, productive, and cost-efficient solution at all levels of the enterprise. Designed for scalability and integration between machine and supervisory levels, Enterprise products are designed with a common look, feel, and navigation to speed development and training time while reducing your total cost of ownership.
Maximize productivity by directly accessing tag information in the controller. Define tags once in the controller and reference them while you design your HMI system. Eliminate the step of importing tags from the controller. Networks supported include Ethernet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, DH , DF1, and DH-485. All FactoryTalk View Machine Edition runtime platforms also include Kepserver Enterprise to support a wide variety of third-party programmable controllers and devices.
Main features:
-Full-featured Graphics Editor with powerful editing tools, drawing objects, pre-configured operator devices, and animation capabilities
-Quick Test Run, which simulates individual displays or entire projects
-Data Logging to log tag values that can be displayed in the historical trend object
-Alarming to quickly alert operators to conditions requiring immediate action
-Security to restrict operator access to specific displays
-Expressions to perform mathematical or logical calculations
-Support for both ActiveX® and OPC technologies
-RecipePlus for machine or process recipe management
-Runtime language switching
-Multiple-version support to support different versions of the runtime platforms with the latest version of FactoryTalk View Studio
-Graphics library with hundreds of graphic objects to drag and drop into your displays
-RSLogix 5000 process faceplates
-Global objects
-Object Explorer to view quickly the hierarchy of objects on a display
-Property panel to edit the attributes of single or multiple objects easily
-Graphics XML import and export to allow the export of graphic display information from FactoryTalk View as an XML file";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';