var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Active@ DVD ERASER erases DVD-RW, DVD+RW or CD-RW media to clear the old data from the disk.
Two erasing methods are available:
Quick Erase - The disc's structures are changed on drive level so that a drive sees the disc as blank media.
Full Erase (Secure method) - The complete surface of the disc is over-written with a neutral pattern. The result is that all data is now cleared forever.
Automated erasing is also supported. Active@ DVD ERASER accepts the following command line parameters to automate media erasing process:
/ERASE - erase process starts automatically right after the program launch.
/FULL - perform full-erase - the device is initialized fully, takes a long time.
/EJECT - after erasing is complete, media is ejected.
/EXIT-IF-OK - if erasing is successfully completed, program auto-exits. If errors detected - you will see error messages on the dialog (no auto-exit).";
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