var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "IBM® Rational® PurifyPlus™ is a collection of three tools (PureCoverage, Quantify, and Purify) that you can use to perform runtime analysis for code coverage, performance, and memory analysis, respectively. This can augment automated testing, improving performance and quality.
As Quality Engineering has become more advanced, using newer tools and methodologies for testing any software has become imperative.
For many teams, test automation has become the backbone of their software testing. However, even when solid test automation exists, you still need to maintain it: adding new tests, modifying existing tests, and adjusting scripts to keep up with the changes in the product. It is worth finding out how to get a good return on all this effort.
The size and complexity of software systems continues to increase, and test automation has followed the same trend. Test harnesses are becoming larger, warranting more maintenance and closer monitoring, so that fast, reliable, and accurate testing can occur. To do this, you need the right tools.
IBM Rational PurifyPlus is a collection of three tools: IBM Rational PureCoverage®, IBM Rational Quantify®, and IBM Rational Purify®. These products are well suited for testers (and developers) to use in the course of testing software.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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