var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "This is an Award Winning Multi-Platform Image Editing/Enhancement/Retouch Application written in Java offering various filters, effects and transformation with user friendly interface. Offering a phenomenal range of adjustment for most effects, you will find many features not found on expensive commercial editors.
JPhotoBrush Pro, has been successfully tested in Windows(9x/NT/2000/XP), Linux, OS/2,Macintosh . Version for other Operating Systems from the product website.
The new version also includes a GIF Animation Wizard called JPhotoAnim, Exif Support and a tool called JPhotoBatch which allow batch processing like renaming / resizing (including generating thumbnails) / format(file type) change of multiple image files in a directory at the click of the mouse.
Features include:
* Browse thumbnails of images from a directory and zip/jar files
* Correct image brightness, contrast, RGB, Gamma, Invert colors
* Use filters to Sharpen, smoothen, detect edge, emboss or use custom filter.
* Add effects like frosted glass,mosaic,venetian blinds,scramble,camera effects, solarize, wave, spotlight, oil paint, blend/merge images etc. Many more effects can be added as plugins, available for free in the product website.
* select regions as layers which can be moved/dragged/copied/cut/deleted/cropped and pasted as new selection or image. Image operations can be performed on selected region rather than on the whole image.
* different types of Fancy Text (rotated, 3D, shadowed, outlined etc) which can be dragged/ copied/cut/pasted/deleted.
* use brushes with textures , clone image regions
* View Histogram and equalize histogram
* transform image - flip, rotate, shear, resize
* draw/fill shapes- rectangle, ellipse, lines, freehand.
* warp(deform) image, overlay several images
* zoom in/zoom out, view full screenshot
* See print preview and Print images in multiple pages
and much more";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
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