var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Software for extended listings of folders contents in interactive mode and in command line. File cataloging utility that enables quick creation of HTML pages listing files and associated metadata, managing and updating document properties associated with such files as: Microsoft Office, retrieve information from, StarOffice, Visio documents, PDF documents, export metadata from photos JPEG, Tiff images (IPTC fields).
Metadata Miner Catalogue PRO also enables Adobe XMP file information (eXtensible Metadata Platform) metadata extraction from documents produced by recent Adobe applications and XSL transformation on metadata extracted listings converting to Dublin Core RDF, CSV, SVG and other custom presentations for common uses or in a Content Management System Architecture
Allows companies to quickly gather summary information from MS Office, Adobe documents and other source documents, and easily move that meta data into XML or post it on shared drives as an HTML documentation catalog index with hypertext links to access files.
Helps in mass update of standard and custom file properties in a folder and sub-folders to easily change a set of documents and include metadata in Word and other Office files. This Professional version lets you call it from command-line to extract metadata for batch processing and optionally run a XSL transformation delivered with the program or your own XSL. Companion tool in classifying documents tasks and works also as a batch jpeg metadata extractor.
Each predefined catalog is stored in a configuration file. Different configuration files let you quickly generate different sets of reports.
MetadataMiner Catalogue PRO is shipped with four predefined user interface languages: English, French, German, Portuguese. You can easily modify or add your own user interface language.
MetadataMiner Catalogue lets you define your own titles for folders displayed in the HTML reports instead of folder path.
Main Features:
- Collects, extracts metadata for a directory of files and manages the following metadata
- Microsoft Office summary information - document properties reader for: Application name, Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Template, Comments, Last author, Revision number, Number of pages, Number of paragraphs, Number of lines, Number of words, Number of characters, Number of bytes, Number of notes, Number of slides, Manager, Company, Category, Security flags, Creation date, Last accessed date, Last print date, Edition time, get file type.
- This kind of data are included for example in Powerpoint presentations, Word or Excel metadata fields.
- Summary information of any Windows 2000 file (note: Microsoft has introduced the ability to add many of file properties to any file located on a Windows 2000 NTFS formatted drive) - display and extract ntfs format properties
- and StarOffice SummaryInformation: Generator [Application], Title, Description [Comments], Subject, Keywords, Initial creator [Author], Creator [Last author], Printed by, Creation date, Last save date, Last print date, Template, Language, Editing cycles [Revision number], Editing duration [Editing time], Number of pages, Number of tables, Number of draws, Number of OLE objects, Number of paragraphs, Number of words, Number of characters, Number of rows [lines], Number of cells, Number of objects. OOO metadata
- User-defined information of any Microsoft Office or document. You can collect up to 14 user-defined properties.
- Macintosh comments of any Macintosh file stored on NTFS volumes (running on NT 4.0 or Windows 2000).
- Title of HTML documents (text between <title> and </title> tags) and metadata in <meta> tags according to Dublic Core schema ( IETF RFC 2731 ): keyword analysis of html pages";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';