var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The Level Architect is a level editor specially designed for the Citrus Engine. While there are other level editors available, you will find that this one is the most ideally suited for designing your levels in the Citrus Engine.
The new Level Architect features
* Start creating levels immediately, without writing a single line of code! Just install the Level Architect and start designing and testing your levels. The Level Architect makes it easy to ease into learning the rest of the engine.
* Live code monitoring puts all the game object classes right into the editor so they can be dragged-and-dropped.
* The Level Architect knows all the properties for all game objects, showing them to you automatically. No more scouring the documentation trying to figure out what properties the hero has. This even works automatically for custom-made game objects using live code monitoring!
* Automatically creates Citrus Engine projects for you by downloading and installing the latest version of the engine. And you can upgrade at any time with the click of a button.
* Test your level changes right from the editor. No need to switch over to your code to compile.
* Uses Adobe Air and works on both Mac and PC.
* A detailed Manual helps you get off the ground quickly.";
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