var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "CoStone is a powerful plug-in program with which one can produce hotfix rhinestone transfer templates using a standard cutting plotter. The templates can either be vector cliparts or bitmap patterns, whose contour can be transferred into vectors using CoStone's contour line tool. The data are transferred from Illustrator or CorelDRAW directly to CoStone's working sheet via it's autoimport macro or are loaded using it's wide range of import filters in order to prepare the data for output. The rhinestone placing macro offers professional tools for object selection, clone generation and collision detection, which are needed for the perfect preparation of hotfix rhinestone transfer templates.
The rhinestones can be placed on the vector contour itself or can fill out a contour. Available fill modes are raster, hatch or random. As object shapes you can choose circles, squares and clipboard objects, but also drill holes as special objects.
CoStone shows, in it's price range, professional performance characteristics, such as outline, contour line, collision detection, tolerance, special multicutting, which otherwise are available only in the high-end range.";
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