var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Thanks to technological advancement, your brand new high performance PC will be outdated before you have had a chance to do much work on it. Your computer will be a frustratingly slow machine and high quality Windows XP usage will no longer be yours to enjoy. Fortunately Systweak BoostXP v2.0 offers you a substantial improvement in Windows performance.
What makes BoostXP such a good solution is the neat and familiar interface containing standard Windows Explorer icons and functions, but yet on top of the usual, much needed desktop settings, BoostXP also has several optimizing functions. To name only a few, there is the Registry Cleaner, the Memory Optimizer, the Uninstaller and the Start-Up Manager. Navigation in your system has just become ridiculously easy. The embedded utilities of this unique software package allow you to customize your windows interface.
You can change folder icons. Icons, background and tool tips can be changed as and when it suites your needs. This is easy and can be applied to specific folders. Customizing File Type Icons lets you change the icons in such a way that your interface is given a unique look that will reflect your personal style and preferences. It is professional in appearance, yet also simple enough to allow novices to create an effective and attractive Desktop.
No matter what function you hope to perform, BoostXP will simply allow you the best use of your time and will save you money.";
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var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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