var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "As a furniture management professional, you realize the value of a tool that helps you manage your workload, improves project accuracy, and increases your productivity. ProjectSpec simplifies the specification process by quickly creating a parts list with options, prices, and discounts. You can easily produce bids and proposals for customers. Create invoices and purchase orders and even export into various accounting systems. For manufacturers with electronic data interchange (EDI), send accurate, validated orders electronically. With the powerful report writing feature, define and print reports and save client information such as tax values, sold to / ship to names and addresses, and charges for design, shipping and installation....
...Access the ProjectSpec commands by using the familiar Windows pull-down menus, toolbar buttons, and function-specific shortcut keys. A single keystroke accesses the catalog viewer allowing you to option parts from the electronic catalogs which are the extensive library of electronic catalogs from many major furniture manufacturers.
Providing the data for ProjectSpec, the electronic catalogs are manufacturer and product specific, reducing the chance to incorrectly option, price and discount furniture proposals. In addition to being distributed monthly on DVD-ROM, incremental catalog updates are available for download from the ProjectMatrix Download Page, assuring you of having the most up-to-date electronic catalog data available in the industry. As each new manufacturer's catalogs are added, they are included on each subsequent DVD distribution at no additional cost. As a ProjectSpec subscriber, you always have access to all catalogs we distribute. The electronic catalogs are sold as a bundle with ProjectSpec and are approximately updated monthly.
We are always anxious to provide electronic data for additional manufacturers. Let us know if there are other manufacturers whose electronic catalogs would be of use to you. We will assist you in making the contact with the manufacturer, explaining the benefits of having electronic data available, simplifying the specification process, reducing order-entry errors, and making their product available to a larger audience. In addition to the sales and design professionals at contract furniture dealers, ProjectSpec is also widely used by architects, interior designers, furniture manufacturers, facilities managers as well as dealer accounting personnel. This product was first introduced in 1991.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';