var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Crusaders Thy Kingdom Come is an strategy game developed by Neocore Games.
This is another games of historical battles, where you will be able to command an army to fight against the Pope´s enemies.
The Pope Urban II in his efforts to recover the holy city of Jerusalem for the Christendom, sent a number of soldiers known as The Crusaders to Palestinian land. Some fought for the faith, others for power and wealth accrue to them, but in any case they began a bloody battle. The first Crusader was in the year 1095. The main campaign consists of small but well-defined missions and distributed in a linear way. Within each mission there will be a principal goal that you must end successfully.
You must remember that planning is important, you will be able to buy new units, use relics to make your troops more powerful, improve your heroes or do some alliances with others units to fight together.
Graphics and sound
The scenarios reflect the wealth of shades between the Mediterranean environs of Constantinople and the lands adjacent to Jerusalem.The graphics are very good. The sound effects are very well done and the soundtrack is really nice.
To sum up, another game of crusaders with very well done scenarios.";
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