var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "M-Audio Drum and Bass Rig 1.2 is a software program that provides a wide variety of bass and drum sounds in a single virtual rack.
The software features sounding modules that can be used in stand-alone or plug-in mode. It has four top quality sound modules namely RD-5 Real Drums, EB-6 Electric Bass, LC-7 Loop Creator and BL-8 Bassline. It could be used as a stand-alone application or with a sequencer. The application has variable velocity and controller settings, optimized for M-Audio keyboards. It contains independent MIDI channels as well. The software features an integral mixer along with split and layer modules for performance combinations. It consists of dual effects processor for each module. The program has an in-built master effects section along with an individual module effect. It is also compatible with most used software including Logic, ProTools, Ableton Live and Cubase. The master MIDI/Mixer section helps to route, split, layer and mix the four modules. This could be done in accordance to the user’s need and recording performance requirements. The EB-6 Electric Bass helps to bring authentic bass fingering, picking, slapping and more. The LC-7 Loop Creator enables easy and flexible creation and playback of sampled loops. And the BL-8 Bassline is suited for creating electronic music bass lines.
The program lets the user create amazing effects and combinations along with different sound modules.";
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