var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The Syntax highlighting engine in HateML is one of best available, because it does not only match parts of text - like most other editors - but it parses the whole document, which means the program can understand the code and it can present it in the most accurate way.
HateML can highlight syntax of following languages: (X)HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, SQL, XML, VBScript
HateML has an automatic syntax checker module which shows syntax errors for PHP, (X)HTML and CSS
The PHP Syntax Checker needs installed and configured PHP on your local machine, syntax checking both for CSS and XHTML are built-in. You can check syntax for most versions of HTML and XHTML as well as for CSS 1 and CSS 2.1
Debugger is one of the most powerful tools for PHP.
With it you are able to step inside your code, put some breakpoints, watch variable's values during execution and modify them. Each breakpoint can has condition to be ignored if a given context has not been reached or if it's only the first few occurence of this part execution.
Using Profiler you are able to tune up performance of your PHP Application by finding out what functions, files and lines takes the longest time to run.
Built-in FTP Client is able to connect to many hosts and accounts at once. It is able to submit and download files as well as whole directories (with subdirectories). There is a possibility of remote editing files - when you double click on some file it is downloaded to the temporary directory and uploaded when you are saving your changes.
Accounts info are stored in project file.
Using SolutionExplorer you are able to keep configuration of files you are using, manage project files, FTP connections and so on. Every file item can be assigned to the category (virtual directory). Each file item stores cursor position in the editor, selected charset and highlighter. These informations are restored when file is loaded. Since HateML 1.1 you can import the whole directory, including subdirectories and files.
MySQL Manager is the plugin shipped with HateML. It is simple tool for managing MySQL Databases. There are 4 areas of window - connections and databases tree, query result table, query editor and connection log (providing infos about the query and connection errors).
During typing the query code you can use IntelliSense popup which provides table and fields names.
CodeBrowser allows you to navigate through your code in the easiest way. It parses your document in the background and provides informations about document structure.
It can present following informations :
* Functions
* Dependencies
* Constants (DEFINE)
* Classes
* Class variables
* Class functions
A very useful web developer editor for the HTML, PHP and JavaScript.";
function tShowHide(id, show)
var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
if (document.getElementById('m1'))
if (document.getElementById('m2'))
if (document.getElementById('more_txt'))
s.innerHTML = '';