var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "The Barwick Systems Limited Medical Equipment Management And Traceability System (E-MAT) software application provides a comprehensive management tool enabling EBME/Medical Physics staff to trace equipment and manage the notification of faults, repairs, maintenance, servicing and electrical safety (PAT) tests.
Key Features:
Full Traceability
Every item of equipment recorded in E-MAT is fully traceable, including detailed inventory, purchase, contract and service history audits.
Location, purchase information (manufacturer and supplier), contract information, service intervals, replacement periods, risk assessment score, comments, software, and manuals are held against each item of equipment. Customisable Inventory Fields may be created within user-defined sub-sections.
Job Management
A call logger is utilised in the notification of faults, repairs, maintenance, servicing and Electrical Safety (PAT) tests. Comprehensive job status recording, allowing job tracking from first call to job completion and service history entry. Job priorities may be assigned manually or automatically.
Planned Preventative Maintenance
E-MAT manages PPM, PAT and calibration forecasting, including the batch logging of PPM/PAT/CAL jobs.
Stock Control
E-MAT provides a spare part stock management utility enabling effective stock control of essential items. Consumable parts may be audited against specific jobs providing traceability and the ability to audit costs. Requisitions and ‘call off’ orders are catered for via an additional Purchase Orders module.
Document Control and Litigation Protection
E-MAT provides the ability to record Notices and Bulletins against items of equipment, enabling effective document control on Hazard Warnings, Safety bulletins, MDA publications etc. Service data such as Service Manuals and Operating Instructions are catalogued and linked to equipment in ANY PC file format, including HTML.
Mail merge templates provide professional & simple to use letters
Templates may be created using the rich functionality of Microsoft Word, to which mail merge fields may be seamlessly incorporated. Overdue PPM letters, supplier letters etc. utilise these templates for letter production.
Enquiry and Reporting
External contract, Work done, Financial, Expenditure, Contract (including budget spend), Inventory and Replacement reports are supplied. Data may be exported to Microsoft Excel for presentational purposes.
Financial Control
E-MAT provides automated reporting on equipment held, plus financial forecasting for the replacement programme and a useful data export facility to Microsoft Excel.
Equipment Barcodes
User-defined barcodes are maintained within a template and may be printed for selected equipment or a range of equipment numbers
Asset Tracking Module
This module allows equipment to be traced as it is transferred between wards/departments out of hours or historically where the EBME department was not notified of its movement.
Equipment Library
An equipment library module audits loan equipment, including reservations, images, decontaminations, out of hour and out of stock activity.
PDA (Palm & PocketPC compatible)
Ability to capture service history details via a PDA including signatures.
WEB Enabled Call Logger (E-MATweb)
Facility to log calls and view outstanding and completed jobs over the internet/intranet.
This web capability utilises SSL encryption for secure transactions.
Automated EST module
A sequence of tests may be assigned to specific equipment models or to generic templates.
ESTs may be performed from within E-MAT OR remotely in situ on a laptop.";
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