var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Like the "Always on Top" feature that some programs have? TurboTop lets you set any window to be "Always on Top!"
Taskbar With TurboTop Icon (on far right)You're probably familiar with the "Always on Top" feature of some programs. This allows their window to "float" above other windows even when it doesn't have the focus. This can be extremely useful. Unfortunately, not many programs implement this feature. TurboTop is designed to remedy that problem!
TurboTop Popup MenuTurboTop is a small program that sits in your System Tray. By clicking on the TurboTop icon, you'll be presented with a menu that displays all windows that are currently visible. Simply click on the menu item that corresponds to the window you want to make "Always on Top." The popup menu also shows which windows are currently "Always on Top" by displaying a check mark next to the name of the window. When you click on a checked menu item, TurboTop will make that window not "Always on Top."
New with version 2.0, TurboTop can accept one or more window titles on the command line. The windows that match the title text passed on the command line will be made "Always on Top" automatically as TurboTop is started.";
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