var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "S-Online tools (included in the PG5 Controls Suite CD)
For customers who only need up- or downloading a built PG5 project to a PCD. The S-Online tools are a subset of the PG5 installation and does not require a license. The S-Online tools consist of:
Online Configurator (stand-alone configurator for Saia PCD hardware)
Command line Up/Downloader (tool for up- and downloading PCD program files)
Data Transfer Utility (tool for saving and loading a PCD Registers, Flags, Timers, etc. to/from text files)
Note that all these tools are part of PG5. In case PG5 is already installed, the installation of the S-Online tools won't have any effect.";
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if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
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