var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "SharePoint Workflow Activities Extensions Kit is a no-code set of SharePoint extensions for creating custom workflows using tools such as SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio and Visio. Over 230 activities for creating custom SharePoint workflows provide robust functionality and are easy to use. Workflow Activities Extensions Kit allows you to Manage SharePoint sites and lists, send e-mail and sms, work with Active Directory groups, permissions, libraries, dictionaries, and more. SharePoint Workflow Activities simplify the creation of such business processes, so end-users have more time to focus on what really matters.
Although customized working processes are included in SharePoint, the need for new custom SharePoint workflow activity extensions arise when the out-of-box SharePoint workflow activities do not suffice specific business requirement.
VirtoSoftware expands the range of SharePoint workflow activities to reduce the development costs and time. SharePoint Workflow Activities Kit provides the impressive collection of 230+ components without requiring additional designing or coding skills. These activities with a simple interface can be easily used by the end-users to build workflows and automate day-to-day business processes in minutes.
SharePoint Workflow Activities Extensions Kit was designed as a collection of ready-to-use SharePoint Workflows and conditions that enables the end-user to leverage familiar tools for SharePoint workflow development and transform the existing SharePoint environment into a flexible process management solution.
SharePoint Workflow Activities Kit functions in both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013, with the 2010 engine. Besides, new SharePoint Workflow Activities Kit major update offers the set of FREE activities and conditions, which are working with native 2013 workflow engine.
SharePoint Workflows add-in from Virto is compatible with both SharePoint 2013 and 2010. The license costs $1499 with a one year subscription.";
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