var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Make backups of your folders and files is always necessary, but not always a simple process. Many times you have to spend many hours to make successful backups of your important data. But now with Kare's Replicator, this process could be done almost automatically and save a lot of time. This great application gives the possibility to make backups of your important files in other disk or directory within your own PC, or other PCs using your LAN.
Some key features of Karen's Replicator:
- The application will copy selected files or folders, from one unit to another. The source and destiny folders can be in the same unit, or in any other machine connected by a local network.
- The application will also let you to schedule your backups, and once this task is saved, it will automatically perform it.
- The application can support very big files.
- The applications is able to make "intelligent backups", because it can detect those files that have been edited since last backup process, and only copy those edited files.
If you were looking for a good alternative to make backups of your important data, and save your precious time, then Karen's Replicator is an excellent alternative, and the best, It's free!";
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var s = document.getElementById("desc");
if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2)
s.innerHTML = fDesc[id];
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