var fDesc=new Array();
fDesc[0] = "Depths of Peril, one of the games created by Soldak Entertainment Inc, can be categorized as an action role-playing game or, as it’s commonly seen, RPG. As you may know, this type of games is based on strategic schemes and therefore requires minimum skills in this matter. One thing which is good to make clear from the very beginning is that this game is a single player and doesn’t support any multiplayer options, so if you are looking for a multiplayer game this is not what you want.
That being said let’s see what this game is about. The story develops in Jorvik, a barbarian city which you must protect by undertaking amazing quests and defeating scary monsters. Your role in the game is that of a faction leader whose faction also competes with other factions in the city for taking control of Jorvik. Not everything in the game is war; there is also diplomacy and trade.
On strong aspect of the game is that it can run on both Windows and Mac systems even tough the setup files differ. The system requirements are classified in minimum and recommended, but take into account that if you are looking for a good performance you should discard the minimum requirements list. Anyways, here’s a list so you can check out your system, either a Windows or a Mac.
Windows Minimum specifications:
• Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
• 1.2 GHz Pentium 4 (or other equivalent)
• 128MB RAM
• GeForce 2 (or other equivalent)
• 150MB of hard drive space
Windows Recommended specifications:
• 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 (or other equivalent)
• 256MB RAM
• GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent)
Mac Minimum specifications:
• OS X 10.4 or 10.5
• 1.5 GHz processor (PowerPC or Intel)
• 128MB RAM
• GeForce 2 (or other equivalent)
• 150MB of hard drive space
Mac Recommended specifications:
• 2.0 GHz processor (PowerPC or Intel)
• 256MB RAM
• GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent)";
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