var fDesc=new Array(); fDesc[0] = "You can let a train ride on all of the more than 100 track modules. This is convenient to check, if all pieces of the railroad are correctly connected.
Different assistants simplify the start with Raily by using different start dialogues for choosing modules etc.
Flex tracks can now be entered by using length, radius and angle or can be used as common Bezier curves.
Plans from any previous version of Raily can be opened normally (automatic import). They will afterwards be saved in the new file format."; function tShowHide(id, show) { var s = document.getElementById("desc"); if ((s.innerHTML.length<=212 || show==1) && show!=2) { s.innerHTML = fDesc[id]; if (document.getElementById('m1')) document.getElementById('m1').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('m2')) document.getElementById('m2').style.display='none'; if (document.getElementById('more_txt')) document.getElementById('more_txt').style.display='inline'; } else { s.innerHTML = ''; } }